Friday, January 21, 2011


Uhm.. yeah:) So it's been.. forever. And I know I said if I didn't blog within seven days to just ditch this poor little blog. But let's just say I've been EXTREMELY busy with twenty kilos (whatever that amounts to in pounds ;) Kidding) of math homework, aka hanging out with friends. Yes, I've prioritized my friends over the blog. Sad day. BUT today as well as yesterday I have been stranded at home with Strep throat. It's nastiness. Sure I've had 29+ hours of sleep in only two days... But the lacking of social interaction is KILLING ME. Oh well. Over this forced alone time I've discovered many interesting things about my life. For one I was listening to Justin Bieber and I realized... if he had a low voice instead of his ultra cute squeaky voice... his songs would no longer be "adorable" but more.. stalker rapist killer. Second while on Facebook I noticed that my whole news feed is filled with how my friends changed there pictures. UHM facebook thanks for that and all, but I think I can notice that by MYSELF. Kay thanks... Also is it just me or is every single teenage girls passion photography? I mean if you love photography go you.. but this is so stereotypical girls. The second I hear a girl tell me her passion is hunting and playing xbox I will feel the stereotype is broken. Lastly I've realized that my friend has been ignoring my phone calls lately. But that's alright. She's a good friend. It just so happens that a huge asteroid called boyfriend crashed into her house and broke her phone.

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